Vandalism troubles Somerset Street in Chinatown

In an effort to make Chinatown a safer neighbourhood, business owners and volunteers in the area will try to deal with two major problems on Somerset Street next month: garbage and graffiti.

Empty bottles, pizza boxes, candy wrappers and cigarette butts can be seen along the sidewalks, sometimes even on residents’ lawns, while graffiti signs cover the walls of many businesses and restaurants.

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Rideau Canal Festival celebrates Canada’s newest World Heritage Site

Taylor Turner,
Taylor Turner,
Alan Latourelle, CEO of Parks Canada, watches as “soldiers” from Fort Henry in Kingston measure off metre sections of the canal for the Adopt-A-Metre program.
Last year, UNESCO recognized the Rideau Canal as a World Heritage Site. This summer, the city will celebrate the popular attraction with the first-ever Rideau Canal Festival.

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