A barn


Waiting for land back, the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation is opting to buy back –purchasing private property, with the aim of breaking free from the Indian Act

A close up of a man's hands holding a wooden circle with a laser engraving that reads "Akwesasne Sharing the Mohawk Spirit"


Entrepreneurship is booming in the Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne, and small businesses like Poptronic are reversing the ‘brain drain,’ even while navigating international borders

Gavin Decontie kneels down and uses a small carpet cleaner on a red sofa


How an Indigenous-owned cleaning company found the mentors and funds needed to take its enterprise to the next level, thanks to a new Indigenous business incubator program in Ottawa

Jason Michelin is wearing his climate action shirt that he designed.


A self-proclaimed ‘Inuk-preneur’ dreams of building innovative digital businesses projects based on Inuit culture and values– but supports for urban Inuit entrepreneurs seem to be in short supply

Owner of Buck's Sports Shop, Amanda Buckshot in front of her store


When it comes to hiring, retailers at Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation face the challenge of navigating three languages – English, French, and Algonquin