New data from the Angus Reid Institute shows that housing affordability has many of Canadians considering a move to another province or beyond.
For new Canadians who have been here less than 10 years, the affordability crisis may drive them out of the country to the U.S. or other countries.
In terms of hard numbers, three in 10 (28 per cent) Canadians are considering leaving their province of residence due to housing affordability.

Immigrants who have lived in the country for less than a decade are even more likely to consider moving provinces at 39 per cent.
This could pose problems especially in Vancouver and Toronto, for example, where the population could be on the move leaving the cities in the lurch, the survey suggests.
The Angus Reid Institute notes immigrants often head to major cities where housing affordability is generally more of a concern than in rural areas. Some 44 per cent of Torontonians say they would leave the city and 33 per cent Vancouverites reported the same.
This sentiment is emerging as coming as the country is seeing its highest levels of immigration in many decades with many immigrants struggling with housing affordability.
Less than half (45 per cent) of those considering moving would remain within Canada. The other 55 per cent would move to another country, with 27 per cent moving south to the United States.
Alberta is the most popular destination for Canadians who want to switch provinces, with 18 per cent wanting to move there.
Additionally, more renters are considering moving (38 per cent) as compared with 28 per cent of homeowners with a mortgage and 16 per cent without a mortgage.
There are other factors making Canadians want to move. Better quality of life, cost of living, healthcare, and being close to family are factors that respondents cited as reasons to leave home.