
“It is essential for journalism students to better understand the Indigenous communities whose territory they’re on while they study in Ottawa.”

- Quoted from letter of support from Kitgan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation

“I might have learned about Indigenous communities in high school classes and specialized university seminars, but RIIC challenged me to actually go to the Indigenous communities near me and work with my Indigenous neighbours face-to-face.”

- Gabrielle Huston, 4th year Carleton Journalism student

“It’s critical for journalism students to develop relationships with Indigenous communities in the Ottawa region, in order to improve how the journalists of tomorrow approach Indigenous issues and avoid the sensationalism that has too often characterized past media coverage of our communities.”

- Quoted from letter of support from Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation

“With its flipped classroom model, RIIC allowed me to reflect on some of the false narratives surrounding Indigenous communities and instead focus on stories of resilience and Indigenous success that are not as often covered by traditional media.”

- Nehaa Bimal, 4th year Carleton Journalism student

“We see value in sharing stories that are important to our community with student journalists…”

- Quoted from letter of support from Mohawks Council of Akwesasne

“I learned in RIIC about the importance of taking time to develop meaningful and honest connections. Time is often a luxury in journalism, and necessary deadlines can make it difficult to step outside comfort zones and spend time becoming informed on nuanced topics. We were afforded that time in this course.”

- Angel Xing, 4th year Carleton Journalism student