Ottawa photo exhibit captures moments in the iconic Zapatista movement for Indigenous rights in Mexico
In 1994, the Zapatistas began an armed uprising against the Mexican government as a protest against the North American Free Trade Agreement. Many important moments from the movement are preserved in photographs now on display at the Mexican embassy in Ottawa.
Ottawa artist Ciaran Head-Smith brings his Indigenous voice to Casa Loma exhibit
Ottawa-based artist Ciaran Head-Smith’s artwork is featured in Red Visions, a first-of-its-kind Indigenous art exhibition at Casa Loma, celebrating cultural heritage.
The 25th Hour: Beadwork – Buying with purpose
Journalist Ely Pittman wants to discover what gets lost when consumers don't buy authentically sourced Indigenous beadwork.
Carleton University provides historical context on issues about Indigenous identity
Last month, Carleton adopted two policies focused on verifying Indigenous identity for hiring, admissions and awards.
State of Indigenous languages worse than it appears, but hope is not lost, expert says
Data from Statistics Canada paints a bleak picture of Indigenous languages in Canada but a linguistics professor says the picture is even worse than it appears, due to the self-reporting nature of the Census.
Aboriginal Coalition hopes to secure funding soon for Ottawa’s first family healing lodge
The Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition (OAC) says it’s hopeful it will soon obtain the funding for Ottawa’s first family healing lodge, one key project that’s part of Ottawa’s 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan.
Indigenous homelessness plan ambitious but needs to succeed, Ottawa councillors told
The Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition (OAC) gave city councillors an update on its plan to address Indigenous housing and homelessness, which the coalition acknowledged is ambitious and requires systemic changes.
City Builder: Cody Coyote is a powerful Indigenous voice on the Ottawa music scene
Ottawa musician Cody Coyote is a prominent city builder, seeking to inspire future generations with his art.
Walking tours on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation offer a window into Canada’s colonial past
The Assembly of Seven Generations is marking the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with guided walking tours to shed some light on Canada's colonial history.
City Builder: Gabrielle Fayant supports Ottawa’s Indigenous youth
Gabrielle Fayant is an award-winning co-founder of the Assembly of Seven Generations, an Ottawa-based non-profit that works to empower the city's Indigenous youth.
The 25th Hour: These Aunties offer care for Indigenous youth in need
As an Indigenous full spectrum doula, Jackie Tompalski considers herself and other 'aunties' to be 'agents of transformative' justice by culturally supporting young Indigenous families.
Bear Grease: An Indigenous take on an American musical classic comes to the NAC
As Bear Grease comes to Ottawa, the audience is not just Indigenous people. However, for those who do come from Indigenous communities, the show's meaning is palpable.