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Category: Midweek

The Radio Show


Midweek is a production of the Carleton University School of Journalism and Communication in Ottawa, Canada. The Midweek team’s members are journalism students in the senior years of our School’s bachelor and master of journalism programs.

Most groups total about 16, and their members come from across the country and often from abroad as well. Midweek teams do nine on-air shows each, in either the Fall or Winter terms of the academic year.

Midweek’s studios are located at The School of Journalism and Communication in Richcraft Hall on Carleton’s campus, and our shows are transmitted by CKCU 93.1 FM, the campus and community radio station based at Carleton, as well as on the Internet.

You can listen to us live online most Wednesdays during the university’s Fall and Winter academic terms: We’re on CKCU-FM after the BBC News at noon right here. The shows and podcasts posted on this site have had all their music taken out because of copyright issues, so to get the full “Midweek” experience, tune in to CKCU!

Carleton University’s journalism school is the oldest one in Canada. It was initiated in 1946 and continues to graduate top students with a thorough education in journalism and public affairs.

Many Midweek alums show up every day on your radio, TV or other screens  — famous folks who got their starts right here on Midweek at Carleton and others you may not have heard of who are still out there serving their communities in a wide range of ways.

Our Team

The instructor and executive producer for Midweek is Nana aba Duncan. The technical producer is David Sarazin. Roger Martin is our web designer and the School’s IT coordinator.

Nicole Dainty

Rachel Kwok

Darren Tran

Adam Tripp

Dave Sarazin
Technical Instructor

Claire Hutcheon
Teaching Assistant

Nana aba Duncan


Listen to our shows before Fall 2024


Catering for community

This story first aired on Midweek, CKCU FM on February 28, 2018 By Salma Mahgoub Language is often a big barrier for newcomers, but it’s not stopping a group of Syrian women from staying active in the community. Ten women who came to Canada as refugees one or two years ago have launched a catering project. Baraka Syrian Home Cooking...

Dogsledding in the Yukon

In the hills behind Whitehorse, one can hear the ubiquitous Yukon melody: the howls of dog teams. I was home for a couple of weeks in October, doing school research in the country’s northwestern corner, and took the opportunity to do a radio documentary on one of the Yukon’s more iconic activities: dogsledding. Alpen Huskies’ Chrystelle Houdry, her husband Thomas,...

How to cook a turkey over a fire

This story first aired on Midweek, CKCU FM on October 18, 2017 Sometimes the best meals are not cooked in an oven, but under the stars and in the woods with friends. For the past seven years, friends and I have gone on what we call a “turkey trot”. Every Thanksgiving, we head into the bushes to cook a turkey...