B.C. leads the way with free contraception: Will other provinces follow?
With the B.C. government set to implement their free contraception plan this April, reproductive health activists are leading the push for free access in Ontario.
The 23rd Ottawa Indigenous Children and Youth Pow Wow welcomes everyone back to celebrate First Nations culture
The annual Ottawa Indigenous Children and Youth Pow Wow is back after a three-year hiatus brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Event organizers stress the importance of fostering community between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
University students in Ottawa already feeling pressure to find affordable housing for the fall
Students face rising rents in Ottawa.
Ottawa council, police acknowledge ‘epidemic’ of intimate partner violence
On International Women’s Day, Ottawa city council passed a motion and declared intimate partner violence an epidemic.
Reimagining the wolf: Museum takes clear-eyed look at misunderstood predator
Canada's Nature Museum offers a clear-eyed look at wolves and their place in the ecosystem.
Dairy farmer’s viral video sparks debate over milk quotas, supply management
An Ontario farmer's TikTok protest over milk quotas has sparked a debate about supply management in Canada.
Ravens rule: Carleton teams are kings and queens of basketball in Canada
The Carleton Ravens' Men's and Women's basketball teams both won the gold medal at Nationals, read more to find out more and see what you may have missed.
Fitness tax credit would motivate Canadians to get active, say gym owners
Joining a gym and getting fit should be supported by a tax credit, argues the Fitness Industry Council of Canada.
Mexico-bound snowbirds face stern travel warning from government
The Canadian government is warning those travelling to Mexico to be careful because of a rise in crime including kidnapping and violence.
Ottawa communities unite to help earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria
Communities in Ottawa are doing what they can to help out victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
Earnings of most racialized post-secondary grads lag behind their non-racialized peers, study shows
A StatsCan study shows how radicalizedpost-secondary graduates don't do as well as their white peers.
October conference organizers tout all-hands-on-deck practical approach to fight systemic racism in Canada
At La Passerelle-I.D.E.'s launch of the Résolutions 2023 conference, attendees and committee members said they hope it will lead to conversations and solutions to racism within the francophone community.