Friday will be sunny and cold, Environment Canada says, with a high of -11C. The low will be -15C with a wind chill of -21C overnight.

Ford won’t commit to tougher restrictions in red zones

As Ontario’s hospitals called for new 28-day lockdowns in the province’s COVID-19 red zones amid record-high case counts and hospitalizations, Premier Doug Ford would not commit to any new shutdowns — yet. CBC has more.

School boards told to prepare for online learning to start 2021

Ontario is telling its school boards to prepare for the possibility of fully remote learning in the new year, prompting calls for clarity on whether the government plans to shut down in-class learning in January, the Ottawa Citizen reports.

COVID isolation hotel to open in Ottawa

Ottawa residents who contract COVID-19 and fear infecting their families will now have the option to self-isolate at a local hotel, thanks to a $4.7 million grant from the federal government. The undisclosed hotel will open its 107 rooms on Monday, CBC reports.

No more library late fees in 2021

Starting Jan. 1, the Ottawa Public Library will no longer charge late fees for books and other materials lent out, CTV reports.

Province to increase number of care home workers

In early November, the Ontario government committed to increasing direct care to an average of four hours a day for every long-term care resident. On Thursday, it released a plan to build and support the workforce it will need to achieve this care standard, pledging annual investment in long-term care staffing of up to $1.9 billion by 2024-25. The Ottawa Citizen has more.