The ground may have been shaking this week, but our team stayed sure and steady as ever!
Our first story took us far from home, with newly-minted Prime Minister Mark Carney’s visit to Nunavut and what the new leader might mean for Indigenous Peoples across Canada.
Taking us back to the Ottawa Valley were three stories of people coming together: a panel for and by those affected by police violence, protests over planned changes at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, and a rally supporting the recent arrest of Phillipine President Rodrigo Duterte.
On the culture beat, we saw how a Canadian band was Dublin-down for St. Patrick’s Day, and painted a picture (or portrait) of the latest offering by Carleton-based theatre company Sock ‘n’ Buskin. Then, a fundraiser for brain health, followed by tips on how to stop a new type of identity theft.
In the bottom of the hour, we had a sneak peek at a panel on making media more inclusive, how a group of residents is pushing local plants to the forefront of outdoor spaces this spring, and a double-feature look at an on-campus event highlighting women’s businesses and start-ups.
On the production side, dilligent work and advance preparation meant all of our music and editing was done well ahead of schedule. That gave us sure footing for certain earth-shaking revelations as the show was live—namely a 3.8-magnitude earthquake felt throughout the Ottawa Valley! Thanks to the confidential sources of one copy editor, we were able to verify that information and get it on air before long.

Show Producer: Hannah Daramola
Chase Producer: Sarah Hirsi
Music Producer: Bo-Ning Gao
Copy Editor 1: Jayden Dill
Copy Editor 2: Martin Halek (TA)