It looks like uOttawa’s patience with those in an encampment on the lawn in front of Tabaret Hall is finally exhausted.

Capital Current has learned that the university administration has been quietly notifying encampment organizers to clear out by today, otherwise the occupation will be considered trespassing. The move would seem to raise the possibility of police involvement.

The pro-Palestinian encampment has been in place for almost three months.

Tom Deadman, a uOttawa student and one of the student organizers of the encampment, said the university has been avoiding meeting in person with students for weeks.

There have been email exchanges, but so far the university administration has not responde to the students’ main demands which are full disclosure of investments, divestment from organizations that are connected to the Israeli government and to the Gaza invasion and cutting ties with academic institutions operating in the occupied Palestinian territories or that are complicit in the war.

“We are disappointed, but we want to be clear; we are staying until we get our demands met,” said Deadman.

“The students here as well as the community and faculty supporting us are committed. The administration needs to understand that.”

Deadman says the university administration has ignored all student offers to set to negotiate.

“As faculty for Palestine we stand in complete solidarity with the students and their demands,” said Lisa Howell, a uOttawa professor.

“We are against any action taken against the students, and we urge the university to return to negotiation with the students.”

Capital Current has emailed the university for comment but has not received a response.