Letter for November 12, 1999

Counsellor’s comment ‘unfortunate’

I would like to respond to, and perhaps clarify, some of the unfortunate comments made by Geoff Coons, a counsellor with the Youth 2000 Jobs program in the October 15 edition of your paper.

The Youth 2000 Jobs program, which employs two front line counsellors, was barely seven months old at the time of the interview. In those months, the staff was able to secure jobs for over 100 youth. read more

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Another assault on the poor

By Jeremy Sandler

Standing at intersections and off-ramps in cities all around Ontario, squeegee people wait for cars to roll up to their mobile window-washing stands, hoping to get a few cents from the drivers.

It is hardly a surprise that Ontario’s government, led by Premier Mike Harris, targeted squeegee people in the cross-hairs of their safe streets act as part of the “common sense revolution.” They mentioned it during last spring’s provincial election campaign and again in the throne speech opening Ontario’s 37th Parliament on Oct. 21. read more

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