Eco-consultant helping Olympics get green

By Sarah Elizabeth Brown

To the right of David Chernushenko’s front door is a bronze coloured, metal mailbox with a round sticker that says in red letters, “Save Trees – No Junkmail Please.”

Chernushenko is the president of Green & Gold Inc., a three-person company that develops sustainable, or “green,” business strategies for sports organizations that are looking to reduce waste and conserve resources. read more

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Gender-neutral Jesus

By Mike Miner

The United Church is swinging a sabre of couched words and obliterating gender in its new book of prayer in an effort to accomplish . . . . Who knows what they’re trying to accomplish.

The new, “modern” book of prayer is the religious equivalent of Y2K debugging. It seems the United Church is terrified that some poor minister will come to the end of the wedding vows, look from the freshly shaven face of the groom to the freshly shaven face of the other groom, and grind to an abrupt halt at “I now pronounce you husband and . . . .” read more

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