Grey-haired Kunlun Zhang watches from the front row of the courtroom, arms crossed, just a shadow’s length away from a stuffed nylon dummy, clad in a grey suit, sitting at a table for the defence . . .
Slaying the dragon
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Archive 1997-2016
Grey-haired Kunlun Zhang watches from the front row of the courtroom, arms crossed, just a shadow’s length away from a stuffed nylon dummy, clad in a grey suit, sitting at a table for the defence . . .
Chicken fingers and fries $6.99; hamburger and fries $4.50; grilled cheese and fries $4.75; hotdog and fries $4.25; and soft drinks for $1. This is an example of an average children’s menu from a typical family restaurant. Do you see a problem?
Disney will destroy The Muppets’ approach to children’s TV programming, argues Etienne Kishibe.
Funding for the arts in Ottawa is safe — for now.