Around midnight, Louise Hindle gets a call. A cat has been pelted with paintballs and doused in kerosene by a gang of kids, but somehow escaped the match. The cat’s rescuer can’t reach the humane society this late at night, and the municipality doesn’t pick up cats.
Month: March 2009
Viewpoint: Next Tory leader should keep the ‘progressive’ in PC
The ballots have been cast and voters have unwittingly crowned John Tory the Stéphane Dion of Ontario.
Feds spiked punch at the party
If the economy were a canary, we’d all be pointing our fingers at the yellow feathers poking out of the mouths of Wall Street’s fat cats. But it’s the owner who let the canary out the cage.
Intersection safety should be priority
Earlier this month, Calgary modified 40 of the city’s 44 red-light cameras to measure a car’s speed as it goes through an intersection. Five cameras will be operational by April 1, when the program officially begins.