From fact to fiction
Danny Ghosen, Centretown News
Award-winning crime novelist Rick Mofina signs copies of his new book Vengeance Road.Archive 1997-2016
It was pouring rain and cracks of thunder and lightning rattled the building. The weather definitely fit the mood as Rick Mofina sat in a holding cell at a Texas execution facility. Danny Ghosen, Centretown NewsAward-winning crime novelist Rick Mofina signs copies of his new book Vengeance Road.
Childless women in your late 20s, unite. For the second year in a row, more women in their thirties are giving birth than women in their twenties. But while cheering for career-minded 20-somethings is tempting, celebrations are not necessarily in order.
Sexy nurses, kittens, and cops – oh my! Take a walk through any costume shop and you’ll be surrounded with low cut, revealing and skin-tight costumes with names like “sexy vixen pirate” – but what’s worse is to take a look at who’s buying them.
Even women were good hunters when they had to be: centuries ago in Canada, before buildings were put up, before the porcelain faces of the Hudson’s Bay Company workers emerged from large ships.