Month: October 2009
The Centretown community has rallied behind a controversial Bank Street development they previously opposed, which will integrate the old Metropolitan Bible Church building front into new condos and stores, says Shawn Menard, Centretown Citizens’ Community Association president.
Musicians question future after cuts to musical diversity funding
As we dance into the digital age, tuning the toggle on the transistor to try a different tune has given way to the speed and convenience of a keyboard click. The federal government plans to invest further in digital music for our expedient pleasure – at the cost of avant garde music production.
Dewar creates multi-party arts forum
Paul Dewar, MP for Ottawa Centre, had a new plan to force the government to stop playing “political football” with the arts.
Viewpoint: Too many vampires sucking entertainment industry dry
Vampires are everywhere. They’re on TV, in bookstores and even on the magazine stand at the local convenience store. It’s a cultural phenomenon. Vampires have risen from the dead to fulfill entertainment needs.