Mayfair Theatre owners pan Lansdowne multiplex plan
Wu Yun, Centretown News
In a letter to city council, Mayfair Theatre owner Lee Demarbre says a 10-screen big box cinema slated for Lansdowne Park would kill the independent movie house.Archive 1997-2016
The latest debate surrounding the future of Lansdowne Park features the independent box office versus the big box.Wu Yun, Centretown NewsIn a letter to city council, Mayfair Theatre owner Lee Demarbre says a 10-screen big box cinema slated for Lansdowne Park would kill the independent movie house.
In the face of the H1N1 pandemic, the Public Health Agency’s message to Canadians this flu season is clear: if you’re sick, stay home from work. But what if staying home from work means not getting paid? Or what if sending an employee home means business slows down?
For someone who describes her business as “not normal,” Amanda Lunan, better known as Auntie Loo, began sweetly in Ottawa’s growing environmentally and socially-conscious food scene.Megan Cheung, Centretown News Amanda Lunan at work in her Bronson Avenue bakery.
Remembrance Day is a time to step back from our hectic lives and pay homage to the men and women who have fought so bravely to ensure the freedoms we have today.