You need a licence to own a gun. You need a licence to own a car. Soon, Ottawa landlords may need one to rent to tenants.
Month: November 2009
Museum of Civilization strike on Facebook
Workers at the Canadian Museum of Civilization are now in week seven of their strike.
Now, the picket line has gone online and Meg Campbell takes a look at how a popular social networking site is at the centre of the debate.
All-day kindergarten worries parents
Last week, Dalton McGuinty's government announced the phasing in of full day kindergarten programs.
Some parents and day care workers are worried.
School board says Rideau High School should be closed
In early October, the Ottawa School Board said Rideau High School should be closed.
There are enough students in the neighbourhood to fill the school, but its reputation and what some see as a lack of opportunities have sent them elsewhere.