My last Backyard Beat – A perspective in Crime Prevention

ImageWell, the time has come to say goodbye. Inevitably all good things come to an end and my time has come to move on to new challenges. I have decided to take a leap of faith and embark on a journey outside of the policing world. I will, however, still be at service to Ottawa residents in a community safety capacity because the new job I am taking on is that of the community safety manager for Ottawa Community Housing.

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Film Review: Iron Man 2

At the end of Iron Man, Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) revealed his identity to the world, sparing subsequent films from those shopworn superhero alter-ego issues but triggering new problems with the U.S. government, particularly a senate committee headed by Senator Stern (Garry Shandling), who doesn’t trust any individual to “privatize world peace.”

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