Four-year-old entrepreneur makes green binning easier
Ryan Lux, Centretown News
Ian Eames shows off his newspaper green bin bagsArchive 1997-2016
Ian Sanders may be the youngest person ever to make a presentation to city hall.Ryan Lux, Centretown NewsIan Eames shows off his newspaper green bin bags
Hoping to sidestep the rash of lacklustre blockbusters with good old-fashioned Hollywood star-power, Knight and Day pairs reliable leads Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz in a fast-paced spy- caper action comedy.
It will be up to the next city council to find a site for the city’s new central library after negotiations to buy a downtown property have failed, said Barrhaven Ward Coun. Jan Harder at Wednesday’s council meeting.
Even when a new interprovincial bridge is built, a study for the National Capital Commission predicts that truck traffic crossing the Macdonald-Cartier Bridge could still congest King Edward Avenue and other downtown streets.