The city has waived the encroachment fees for 11 new statues to be constructed along the sidewalk at the intersection of Preston Street and Gladstone Avenue.
Bambino scultpures set to loom over Little Italy
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Archive 1997-2016
The city has waived the encroachment fees for 11 new statues to be constructed along the sidewalk at the intersection of Preston Street and Gladstone Avenue.
City council approved flipping the switch Wednesday to test digital L.E.D illuminated billboards, reversing the current ban on the advertising technology in Ottawa.
Like Speed Racer before it, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World takes a less-than-mainstream animated property and blows it up into an eye-popping feature for the silver screen. And like Speed Racer before it (but less deservedly so), Scott Pilgrim vs. the World has received a drubbing at the box office.
The city’s transportation committee voted Monday to shift the gears of its cycling policy which has traditionally favoured recreational bike paths over commuter oriented routes.