Hustlers for hire
Illustration by Talbert Johnson
Archive 1997-2016
There is no doubt that sex sells, but if the Ontario Superior Court ruling stands, sex could be sold publicly. Prostitution in Canada exists in a legal grey area, while the act itself is not illegal, soliciting a prostitute, operating a common bawdy house and living off the avails of prostitution are criminal offences.Illustration by Talbert Johnson
It was almost two years ago when the OC Transpo drivers went on strike causing chaos in the streets of Ottawa.
After two years, $1.3 million in renovations and several critically successful performances, The Gladstone theatre is up for sale — though the owners haven’t quite turned off the lights on the financially troubled venue just yet.
A consulting firm working on a development plan for Mid-Centretown is taking an innovative approach to public interaction with a blog to keep residents informed.