Ottawa police are setting their sights on drivers who treat stop signs as a suggestion or refuse to buckle up during a month-long safety blitz.
Police plan October safety blitz
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Archive 1997-2016
Ottawa police are setting their sights on drivers who treat stop signs as a suggestion or refuse to buckle up during a month-long safety blitz.
The uninviting, cold Greyhound bus terminal on Catherine Street will undergo extensive renovations that promise to be more user-friendly and positive for Centretown residents.
The historic Bank of Montreal building on Wellington Street is getting redeveloped as a formal hall for government functions.Katrina Heer, Centretown News Renovations on the BMO heritage site will start in 2012.
A new head contact rule implemented by Hockey Canada has zero tolerance for headshots. Brittany Corry, Centretown NewsThe Ottawa 67's practise in the Jack Purcell Arena. This season, if a player hits another player in the head even accidentally, they get a two-minute penalty.