It's a tough climb for those at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder, according to the city’s new 10-year plan to address homelessness.
City plan addresses homelessness
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Archive 1997-2016
It's a tough climb for those at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder, according to the city’s new 10-year plan to address homelessness.
Ottawa will be home to a far-reaching, 19-station light rail transit system in 10 years if the plan unveiled by Mayor Jim Watson Wednesday morning gets the government cash it needs.
Wild parsnip, a weed that causes burns to people’s skin – and in some cases blindness – is a problem that needs to be dealt with more quickly in areas around Ottawa, including Centretown, city councillors say.Annie Rooney, 2011 A field of potentially dangerous wild parsnips.
City council has given its support to a landmark plan to transform downtown into a formal “eco-district,” renovating office buildings, facilitating community environmental projects and creating a model for other wards to emulate in the future.