Frequent downtown visitors should pull out their zombie apocalypse survival guides this Halloween for a special event from the Bank Street BIA.
Zombie alert! Invasion heading to Bank Street
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Archive 1997-2016
Frequent downtown visitors should pull out their zombie apocalypse survival guides this Halloween for a special event from the Bank Street BIA.
Large-chain restaurants in Ontario may see a change to their menus this winter if the provincial government forces food outlets to provide nutritional information for every meal.
A new Centretown café that uses the quintessential board game night to attract customers provides a sound example of a novelty establishment with an unsustainable business.
Hoping to entice more customers to Chinatown, the BIA is working with a local company to create the community’s first-ever “walking” tours.Veronika Gorlova, Centretown NewsThe Chinatown BIA is in the process of creating the area's first-ever walking tour for tourists. It is hoped the initiative will bring new clientele to the area.