Nelson Mandela, the late champion of human rights whose influence has been felt around the world, will be honoured with a permanent tribute in downtown Ottawa.
Mandela to be honoured with tribute near city hall
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Archive 1997-2016
Nelson Mandela, the late champion of human rights whose influence has been felt around the world, will be honoured with a permanent tribute in downtown Ottawa.
The 30th anniversary for Pink Triangle Services Ottawa is not off to an encouraging start as the GLBTQ advocacy centre struggles to meet its $5,000 goal for a holiday crowd-funding campaign.
Stephanie Thompson lost everything in a Centretown fire on Gilmour Street in January. Luckily for her, her bosses and co-workers at Pure Yoga Ottawa were determined to help.
With winter only half over, the Poverty and Hunger Working Group held its first indoor market of the new year on Jan. 25, offering fresh produce to the Centretown community despite the frigid weather.