The Commute Smart Challenge, a City of Ottawa initiative that aimed to get Ottawa residents to leave their cars at home and walk, cycle or bus on their daily commutes, came to a close this week, bringing to light the gaps in the city’s current transportation infrastructure.
Month: September 2014
Climbers frustrated by ongoing closure of indoor hangout
Daniel Kolanko, Centretown News
Vertical Reality owner, Petra Slivka-Flagg, stands in front of the ongoing renovations to the gym.Rock climbers in Centretown have been left hanging after roof repairs to Vertical Reality climbing gym have taken longer than expected.
McNabb skatepark nearing completion
Daniel Kolanko, Centretown News
McNabb's new skatepark is part of the park's ongoing redevelopment efforts.The redevelopment of McNabb Park is officially underway and is slated for substantial completion by the end of November, according to Paul Landry, acting project manager. The park will not be fully complete until next year since soft landscaping matters such as turf, sod, and tree planting still need to receive a final acceptance from the city.
McNabb centre launches after-school activity program
After an eight-month delay, McNabb Recreation Centre has finally launched a new low-cost after-school program in partnership with Carleton University’s varsity sports council.