Over the past nine years, Canada’s international reputation has been damaged and the Keystone XL pipeline has been stalled, all because our federal government has failed to deliver a sensible, credible approach to the environment and the economy.
Month: February 2015
Assisted suicide not the only solution
The Supreme Court of Canada has unanimously decided, in a landmark case, to overturn a law barring physician-assisted suicide. This is a leap in the right direction – but more must be done before suicide becomes the only option.
Hospital care practices unchanged by ruling
Even though a recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling struck down Canada’s laws against physician-assisted suicide, patients reaching the end of their lives at Saint-Vincent Hospital will have access to the full range of traditional palliative care services even as their “right to choose” is honoured.
Planning committee approves city’s tallest building
Graziani and Corazza Architects Inc.
Richcraft Homes is scheduled to build a condo complex at 845 Carling Ave. that will dwarf all other buildings in the city.The City of Ottawa’s planning committee has recommended two major redevelopment plans for approval by city council.