The front doors of Ottawa public schools are being left unlocked after a job action by educational support workers. They are withdrawing from certain administrative duties, such as operating the buzzer system implemented in recent years to control visitors’ access to schools and heighten security.
Month: October 2015
Botanist goes to Mars – without leaving Earth
Paul Solokoff
Paul Solokoff "explores Mars" – on Earth.With NASA’s discovery of water trickling down Mars’ canyon and crater walls as well as the movie release of The Martian this month, the Red planet is all the craze and curiosity lately.
House benches on Sparks combat youth homelessness
United Way Ottawa has teamed up with artist Michael Simon to create three bright red benches that resemble houses to spread awareness about youth homelessness. The message? A bench is not a home.
Two buildings win architectural award
Jesse Winter, Centretown News
The James Michael Flaherty Building recently received a design excellence award.The Ottawa Urban Design Awards have honoured two Centretown-based buildings for enriching the architectural value of the community. The City of Ottawa hosted a ceremony on Oct. 3 recognizing the design excellence of the Sir John A. Macdonald Building on Wellington Street and Elgin Street’s James Michael Flaherty Building.