Ballet explores abuse at residential schools

Kevin MacDonald
Ballet dancers perform in Going Home Star: Truth and Reconciliation, a story that chronicles a young Aboriginal couple as they come to terms with the past
As Canadians work to acknowledge the sins of generations past and mend the wounds left by the residential school system, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet is using the power of dance to work through the hurt.

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Making safer spaces: local groups break barriers at popular venues

Ming Wu
Elsa Mizraei of Babely Shades performs with her band Everett during the Megaphono music festival. Mizraei was also a panellist during Megaphono's discussion about creating safer spaces.
Local groups such as Babely Shades and Queer Mafia are working to create a more inclusive environment in the Ottawa music scene by flagging venues that perpetuate harmful systems such as racism, homophobia and transphobia.

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