Deanne Pittman, Centretown News
University of Ottawa students climb onto a crowded bus at Laurier station. Starting April 24, OC Transpo will close off the Transitway between Laurier and Lees stations to accomodate construction.Students at the University of Ottawa say the timing of an upcoming closure of one of the main bus stations on campus could not be more inconvenient.
Month: March 2016
Microbeads pollute local waters
They're hidden in your clothes, your soaps and even your toothpaste. Microbeads — tiny plastic particles — are part of most common personal care products.
Bilingual kindergarten plan worries parents
Parents and teachers have expressed fear the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board’s recent decision to approve bilingual kindergarten was not made in students' best interest.
Cyclists slam new parking study
Karen Henderson, Centretown News
Cyclists want the city to increase the number of bike parking spaces in Centretown.The release of a new parking study in Centretown last month received some backlash from cycling advocates who argue the study failed to address bicycle parking.