The city’s environmental advisory committee passed a motion Thursday saying that Somerset Street is the best choice for the city’s segregated bike lane pilot project that will run from Preston to Elgin Streets.
The motion said that the Somerset route, out of the 12 potential routes identified by the city, is the best route because it offers the best potential for connectivity to the west via Somerset Street West and to the east over the Corktown Bridge.
Connectivity is important to reduce emissions and congestion, said the committee, because without it the lane will primarily benefit urban residents who, for the most part, already don’t drive within the urban core.
One way the committee decided to get people out of their cars and onto their bikes was to ensure the route connects to parking lots where commuters can leave their cars and still comfortably cycle into the urban core.
The pilot project is still in its consultation phase and council won’t be voting on the final plan until the fall which could put off construction until at least next spring.