Centretown has always been a vibrant neighborhood, and these days it shows.
Author: Centretown Staff
Smartphones stake claims
Lisa Meyers/Gallery 101
"Through surface tension" is part of a media installation to be featured in exhibit Owning with the Gaze.An exhibition exploring how we stake claim to territories in the age of the smartphone is preparing to open at Little Italy’s Gallery 101. Owning with the Gaze, curated by Cheryl L’Hirondelle, will feature work from seven indigenous and non-indigenous artists, and will run from Oct. 31-Nov. 28.
TPP: Punishment over privacy
Canada has been called a haven for internet piracy thanks to a legal situation that protects internet service costumers from litigation by copyright owners.
Residents support tax hikes for better city services
Most residents of Somerset and Kitchissippi wards are open to raising taxes to fund improved services from the City of Ottawa, according to feedback given to the ward’s two city councillors at a recent public budget consultation for the 2016 municipal budget.