An overflow crowd at the recent Canada Council for the Arts information session on granting, highlighted the importance of grants to Centretown artists.
Author: Centretown Staff
Local students respond to NAC’s call to youth
They came in herds. Busload after busload, and a few taxicabs later, a lineup quickly formed through the main lobby, snaking through the foyer and extending well past the entrance doors. The anticipation seemed to be more than usual for a normal orchestra rehearsal, and the young voices in the lineup sounded excited.
Column: City needs to follow artists’ funding demands in the new year
Last year’s funding bursaries are drying up and Ottawa’s artists are on an annual run to the granting trough. But Ottawa should hurry up and implement a new funding structure before the troughs go dry.
Performance art ‘Blasts’ into Centretown
A man lies naked on the floor of a gallery surrounded by 11 sealed jars filled with urine. Another man walks down the street talking on his cellular phone. They seem unrelated, but these two situations were both part of the same event.