The man behind Ottawa’s PoutineFest — former Sparks Street BIA boss Les Gagne — is launching a rival PoutineFest in early May, just four days after the original event is scheduled to be held in late April.
Author: Centretown Staff
Viewpoint: BIAs work together to benefit businesses
Downtown development is at an all-time high. With more and more people and businesses moving downtown, cities are struggling to manage the steady influx.
New store a win for Sparks Street
Dario Balca, Centretown News
The former Zellers building at 156 Sparks St. is seen closed and undergoing renovations . A Winners store will soon open at the location as part of the Spark Street BIA's plan to revamp the area by introducing new businesses. A new Winners location is expected to open on Sparks Street this fall. Business experts say it should have a positive impact on the revitalization of the street, but more could still be done.
Memorial petition launched
The controversy over the proposed Memorial to the Victims of Communism has taken a new twist – a “Move the Memorial” petition launched by a group of University of Ottawa students who want the planned site between the Supreme Court and Library and Archives Canada abandoned in favour of the project’s original location: the Garden of the Provinces.