Exhibit dives into Rideau River
Megan Cheung, Centretown News
Laura Beaudry and eight-month-old Jake Smith learn about the Rideau River at the Canadian Museum of Nature.Archive 1997-2016
An exhibit designed to teach Canadians about the importance of aquatic life began its cross-country tour earlier this month at the Canadian Museum of Nature and features glimpses of Ottawa’s own ecosystems.Megan Cheung, Centretown NewsLaura Beaudry and eight-month-old Jake Smith learn about the Rideau River at the Canadian Museum of Nature.
A recent forum on the state of the arts in Ottawa has the artistic community buzzing, but they’re not sure whether discussing problems is the right way to solve them.
The new Ottawa Theatre Network is competing for cash to get its campaign for a more vibrant theatrical scene fully launched.Kylie Fox, Centretown News Ottawa Theatre Network members chat in the lobby of the Great Canadian Theatre Company.
Toronto artist Noel Harding says his gleaming sculpture, which stands just over four metres tall at the corner of Kent and Slater streets, isn’t a teapot “per se” — but he doesn’t mind the comparison. Megan Cheung, Centretown NewsNoel Harding's Northshore sits on the corner of Kent and Slater streets.