It’s a common stereotype that Broadway is run by gay actors and directors, but when it comes to the main-stage play, sexuality is left in the closet.
Theatre group throws limelight on queer issues
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Archive 1997-2016
It’s a common stereotype that Broadway is run by gay actors and directors, but when it comes to the main-stage play, sexuality is left in the closet.
There used to be a time when people did not consume music – they listened to it.
In theatre, actors do weird things to ward off bad luck. Take for instance the backstage saying, “break a leg,” an apparent sure-fire way to guarantee a good performance.
Eight years ago Nina Saab had never heard of scoliosis. But when her then 12-year-old daughter, Alexa, was diagnosed with the spine-curving condition, her life changed in a way she never saw coming.