Tucked inside a green plastic bag, a small rustic portrait of a poor-looking young boy is swaddled in bubble wrap and family myth.
Local residents find value in old artwork
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Archive 1997-2016
Tucked inside a green plastic bag, a small rustic portrait of a poor-looking young boy is swaddled in bubble wrap and family myth.
Twelve-year-old Rosalie Ball stands in front of a mirror in the middle of a classroom where students practice music.
Between the old stone walls and wooden rafters of the Byward Market’s Courtyard Restaurant, women in medieval ball gowns and men in masks and tights mingle to the sound of harpsichord and violin.
A new Ottawa theatre company is re-imagining the work of Robert Service, the famous Canadian poet known for “The Cremation of Sam McGee” and “The Shooting of Dan McGrew” and converting his memorable lines into a dramatic recital performed by 10 characters.