The streets were alive with the sound of music
Adam Kveton, Centretown News
People turned sidewalks into stages as they performed music on public pianos around the city.Archive 1997-2016
While professional musicians at the Juno Awards took to the stage at Scotiabank Place last weekend, other performers were plonking away on temporary pianos all across the city. Adam Kveton, Centretown News People turned sidewalks into stages as they performed music on public pianos around the city.
A chapter will be ending for Ottawa’s book-loving community because the Nicholas Hoare bookstore is going out of business.
She improvised. She bribed judges. She claimed the championship chicken when the Ottawa Theatre Challenge hit town for the 13th year in a row. Belinda Ha, Centretown News Melanie Karin won the Rubber Chicken Award at the 13th annual Ottawa Theatre Challenge.
An Ottawa resident is organizing the city’s newest design show at a Centretown gallery to give small manufacturers and artists a place to showcase their talent.