Street vendors across the city could see dramatic changes to the bylaws that regulate them in the next year. Bylaw changes could see licensing fees drop in some parts of the city and skyrocket in others leading to a fight for space in the downtown core.
Category: Business
Few Ottawa restaurants offering BYOW option
The new bring-your-own-wine legislation is cooking up a debate in Centretown between restaurateurs who encourage the program and those who insist it’s bad for business.
BUSINESS BEAT by Erin Rollins—Raising RRSP ceiling will mean greater security down the road
It’s no surprise that banks are anxious for people to devote more money to RRSPs. Perhaps the bigger concern should be among those who invest their hard-earned salaries in RRSPs and among a generation which, more than ever, needs to get serious about retirement savings.
Corner stores would welcome alcohol sales
By Janelle Brennand
Eighty per cent of Centretown convenience stores would sell alcohol if it were legalized by the provincial government, a recent Centretown News survey reveals.
When asked whether they would sell beer or wine in their stores if the law were changed, 16 out of 20 convenience store owners said they would.