Category: Business
An English-style, high-end steak restaurant and pub is scheduled to open next spring at the renovated former home of Friday’s Roast Beef House – the historic Grant House on Elgin Street.
Committee allows restaurant to replace gas pumps
A proposal to transform a vacant gas station into a restaurant and parking lot is on track after a city committee voted to exempt the site from the city’s guidelines on the use of the land.
Chinatown BIA looking for successor to Grace Xin
The search is on to find the new face of Chinatown after Grace Xin, executive director of the area’s business association since March 2008, resigned last month, to take up a new job with the Tourism Industry Association of Canada where she will work primarily to strengthen tourism relations between China and Canada.
Hacking Facebook isn’t just for nerds anymore
Boldface signs advertising free wireless networks hang on almost every coffee shop door in Centretown, beckoning thousands of users to log onto these hotspots to check their e-mail accounts every day.