That old gold watch may be worth more than you think
Danny Ghosen, Centretown News
Gold Reflection Jewellers owner Steve Saikley says more people are selling gold but fewer are buying.Archive 1997-2016
People who sell old wrist watches, dusty heirlooms and used jewellery to pawn shops in and around Centretown will see more cash in hand if their goods are made of gold.Danny Ghosen, Centretown NewsGold Reflection Jewellers owner Steve Saikley says more people are selling gold but fewer are buying.
This holiday season, shoppers can expect to see lower prices as Centretown retailers try to get customers shopping again after a tough year.
If all goes according to plan, Tommy and Lefebvre sporting goods store will be getting a late Christmas gift. Kylie Fox, Centretown News Tommy and Lefebvre president Kevin Pidgeon says construction of the new building is well on its way.
Instead of browsing the portraits of Canada's greatest, residents could be checking for the greatest sales.Courtesy Dan Hanganu ArchitectsConstruction of proposed double residential towers on Metcalfe Street could begin next year if approved by the City of Ottawa.