When I first joined the police, one of the first things I was educated about were the merits of community policing. Its principal proponent was an English politician by the name of Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the modern English police force (it’s from Robert that the nickname Bobby for an English police officer comes from) and he came up with the following principles:
Category: Community Voice
Opinions and views from members of your community . . .
Police beat: Old versus new in crime prevention
After returning to the office from a month of holidays in June, I was promptly faced with a message from the Buzz’s editor reminding me of the July deadline for my next article. I quickly shed my post vacation lethargy and began to think of an interesting topic for July’s article. As is usually the case, my next topic came to me as opposed to me finding it.
Police beat: Making the right call
Most people would say that their personal contact with Ottawa police officers is the equivalent of seeing them drive around in white police cruisers behind rolled-up windows. Some may have called police for assistance and have had an opportunity to see the officer get out of their police vehicle and get a close-up look at them.
Letter: Don’t own a car: save money
Re: Neighbourhood survey unkind to downtown, March 28