A new flagship Central Library, set to open in 2020, will be a great opportunity for Ottawa to build a cutting-edge community hub.
Locate new library in heart of downtown
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Archive 1997-2016
A new flagship Central Library, set to open in 2020, will be a great opportunity for Ottawa to build a cutting-edge community hub.
Don DimanligOttawa has been given another chance to re-imagine the public purpose and identity of 100 Wellington St., a decade after Stephen Harper’s Conservative government halted plans to turn the former U.S. embassy into a national portrait gallery.
If students don’t put enough effort into their work, are regularly causing problems between their classmates, and fail to take into account the repercussions of their actions, you might feel disappointed, but to a certain degree you could have at least expected it. You can call it a learning experience.
Politicians, police chiefs and, yes, even editorialists, have been known to overuse and abuse the sweeping generalization of “the community.”