“There’s probably no god.” Does that offend you? It shouldn’t. But OC Transpo seems to think it will. Which is why it chose not to allow those ads on its buses.
Category: Editorials
Ottawa needs to grow up
The time has come for Ottawa, as a major urban centre, to start acting like one. In order to the make the leap into the realm of truly world-class cities, Ottawa needs to reduce its seemingly insatiable appetite for urban sprawl.
Let’s butt out for good in Canada
With the Ontario government’s move to outlaw smoking in cars with passengers under the age of 16 having come into effect Jan. 21, it’s time to take a good, hard look at the next possible steps.
A not-so-fond adieu to plastic bags
A venerable symbol of our modern, throwaway culture appears to be on its last legs – and not a moment too soon.