A bum rap

Generation Whatever is getting a bad rap. From reports of Ace Crew gang violence to the question of letting 16-year-olds vote, each week brings a new tale portraying bleached-blonde-body-pierced-baggy-clothed 14- to 19-year-olds as clueless and ignorant. read more

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Editorial for March 13, 1998

The power struggle between Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and Regional Chair Bob Chiarelli over redeveloping Lansdowne Park is more than just a political showdown.

It’s a sign that the city hasn’t given enough thought to how to develop the area.

Mayor Watson and the city are eager to let the private sector take Lansdowne off their hands, but they now have to contend with the fact that the region has a say in the matter. While Lansdowne is owned by the city, any major changes to the area must be approved by regional council. read more

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