Somerset ward Coun. Diane Holmes is applauding city council’s decision to approve an increase to water and sewer rates, saying it will force Ottawa residents to become green or pay the price.
Rate hike ‘will save water’
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Archive 1997-2016
Somerset ward Coun. Diane Holmes is applauding city council’s decision to approve an increase to water and sewer rates, saying it will force Ottawa residents to become green or pay the price.
The City of Ottawa will be holding public consultation sessions this month and next to improve the city’s way of – wait for it – holding public consultations.
Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi has a plan for tackling labour issues in his new role as minister of labour – collaboration.
Brian McGarry is moving forward with his proposal to turn the parking lot of his Centretown funeral home into a park.Alison Gilchrist, Centretown NewsThe parking lot at Hulse, Playfair and McGarry funeral home may become a park.