Matter of Opinon

By James Raiswell

It must be an April Fool’s Day joke! On April 1, Canada welcomed the new territory of Nunavut into Confederation, making it the largest administrative region in the country. It spans one-fifth of the Canadian land mass, or an area the size of Alberta, British Columbia and Yukon combined. It is the new homeland for the displaced Inuit. read more

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The government has a tough selling job ahead

By Jaimes Raiswell

If a good salesman, as the saying goes, is one who can sell an icebox to an Inuit, what kind of salesman does it take to sell nuclear waste to the general public?

For the federal government, which has about one million used Candu fuel bundles for sale (roughly enough nuclear waste to fill three hockey rinks to the top of the boards), the trick isn’t going to be what kind of salesman they have to recruit, but how that salesman will flog a product no one seems to want. read more

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