First-year students in Ontario universities faced more pressure in high school than ever before – and that may be leading to increased depression and prescription drug use.
Younger students stressed out at alarming rates
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Archive 1997-2016
First-year students in Ontario universities faced more pressure in high school than ever before – and that may be leading to increased depression and prescription drug use.
Andrea Thompson is like any typical first-year university student. Sitting on a multi-coloured blanket on her bed in her Carleton University residence, she waits for her e-mail and chats with friends who are visiting her in her room.
Opposition to Ralph Nader’s candidacy exposes the hypocrisy of U.S. politics, argues Danna Farhang.
The Liberal Party of Canada is about to become Team Martin. In an effort to distance the Liberals from the Chrétien regime and its scandals, the party is trying to cloak itself in the personality of the man who is more popular than the party itself.