The image is familiar: rows of students sitting at desks, busily scribbling in their exam booklets. But soon the students might not be students at all. Under new legislation Ontario’s teachers may be the ones writing the tests.
Category: Insight
Teachers may have to pay for their own tests
Nearly six months ago teacher testing became law. And no one seems to know yet how much it will cost. At this point, it looks like teachers themselves will pay for their mandatory recertification courses.
The A B Cs of teacher testing: Easier than it looks
What tests do teachers have to take? There are four types of tests. Some of the details are still to come, but here is what’s known so far.
Patent law + self-interest = double standard
Kristen Vernon
The Canadian government wants to have its cake and eat it too.
It acts one way when the health needs of Canadians are at stake but responds another way when developing countries want to safeguard their citizens’ health.
No cases of anthrax were found in Canada. But fear of anthrax attacks such as those in the United States prompted Health Canada to stockpile the anti-anthrax drug, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, sold by Bayer under the brand name Cipro.